Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heroes and Villains

~ Like even being a hero isn't really being a hero.  It's like everything about the way I've seen the world unquestionably my entire life is completely backwards and inside out or outside in.  Like there are no heroes which is why heroes never think their heroes and everyone thinks thats so modest.  And villains aren't really villains which is why they are often family and friends with heroes.  In fact Heroes could be validly be seen as the true villains but since they represent the popular belief and opinions the truth is considered heresy and fought as if IT were a villain.  That being said it would if true reveal a great deal of upsetting realities about who we all think we are and what actually is good and evil.  In a sense our most powerful champions of humanity by our current belief systems and structures of accepted personality and thought would by our own definitions classified as evil.  To the Christians a meeting with Jesus (Yeshua) would snap their minds and half and cause a cataclysmic shut down of the religious faith or ironically reproduce an updated version of the crucifixion.  And since America sets the tone for much of the world it would be a global upheaval.  What is going on?  Who are we really?  What can we not remember?  And do we really want to?  I'm reminded of the Bourne movies because I feel it is so poetically illustrated the true meaning of being human.  We are the killers waking up good recognizing our awful selves and searching to make amends, to cleanse ourselves, to effect a change in ourselves, in others and everything else.  We are humanity, a mess, a criminal, a vulgar warped and depraved species because that is what we are.  We are humanity waking up and seeing the nightmare we have been dreaming real for far too long.  I ask myself why? all the time, How did this happen to us?  Why did we choose this?  Was it just for fun?  Was it an experiment?  Was it some cataclysm that devastated us into this way of being?  What happened to us?  I think there is an answer but I think like everything else in life it will only come to us when we no longer need it anymore.  Just like anything only when we no longer need it ~

~ If you think about it our lives are completely reversed and the way we live is one step precisely removed from what we we say we are living.  We fight all the help, attack all the love and worship our own destruction and depravity.  It does not look like this when you look around but you have been trained as a killer, with killer instincts.  What becomes threatening in a world like that is true peace.  It's frightening and upsetting to the way of life that we all see as normal and fight about everyday.  But I proposition the idea that if we are fighting at all there really is no peace or at the very least so little of it.  Put this into context of things like medicine, education, our own longevity and the items of the nightly news and it is us at every… level that have become enemies to ourselves and we have taken the rest of the world with us.  Even at the very highest levels the best, most informed, most intelligent lives are still at war within, and all within continually becomes without.  We are a living insanity so proficiently backwards we have created every possible expression of living within it.  We are the living dead who fight and fear the living.  We are a shipwrecked species, a plane crashed mess.  We are fighting about what is right in a world where everything is wrong and killing every positive thought and life expression because it feels to weird, too strange to be right, cleaning, fixing endlessly because well "thats just the way things are."  But i'm starting to think that actually what we call real is actually some kind of a dream and what we call dreams are actually whats real ~

~ Thinking about this the other day I wondered if what they say is actually real that when we dream that's actually where we go when we die and in fact where all life comes from into this reality.  Think about that for a second, because maybe when imagining things your actually there, right there.  Everything that  seems so impenetrably mysterious is so indistinguishably a part of your everyday life that in no way could you even recognize life without it ~

~ You all think your not heroes but when you finally realize where you ACTUALLY are and WHAT is actually going on, your whole life will magically unfold as the truly miracle tale it has always been ~

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