~ I think I'm starting to understand now a little better then I did. There was a planet I was on a long time ago in a galaxy far away and during that time I was there I did something very wrong and participated in the lifestyle and decisions that corrupted the planet maybe system and created the circumstances of its destruction. The planet was at a higher vibration then this planet currently exists at and more then likely had exquisite technology and lifestyle because part of my simple issues in this life seem to suggest that things can obviously be a lot simpler and efficient then they are currently being done. Even in the worst circumstances I've felt that way. Because I was born into a stable family that was always and ever shall be at a particular financial level, emotional level even kindness level its indicative of the type of person I was in the planetary system I have my earlier lives in and where I learned to be who I now am intuitively. I have a lot of natural understandings in a great many things and proclivity to authority in some way shape or form, meaning I've lived many lives and had time to occupy many different kinds or work and careers which would inform a general understanding and perspective that unites all things or that all things embody ~
~ Because of my attraction to self-destructive behaviour and attitudes, sexual addiction, paranoia and doing the right thing I'm led to conclude that this is how I learned to behave and exist in other environments in much the same way. The truth I am aware of on earth in a sense is the truth of who I am at least the most pertinent information. Law of attraction in this way is always in effect and it was how I found this planet. I was among those who fought and became violent and destroyed the planet I was born on and because it was a higher vibration planet many of the ideas, the way I like to do things and an inherent goodness I have reflect attitudes that are required in higher vibrations, but the issue was that I chose the negative in those places, just like I did in this one and because of it I have at a higher level created or chose a life that would immediately return my own negativity back to myself and forever give me the opportunity to witness the result of my actions. This is why I have always purposely tried to hurt myself when I got angry as opposed to others because thats more then likely what I did do in other lives when i had greater ability to do so, and in this life in this incarnation the life I have is directly created for exactly one purpose to necessitate and facilitate the understanding of this and create the circumstances to allow me if I chose to accept and allow the balancing of my own energies and my place in the universe. Which tells me something, it means that everyone of us on this planet are literally here because in every way we are already. So we can chose to keep living the negativity this planet affords us to experience as long as we want it or we can let it go in every way at every level if we finally want to ~
~ I have often felt as though I was more inclined to the feminine then masculine and in fact I think I was on whatever planet that was I was on when it self-destructed. Maybe it was Earth itself, maybe I was a Gray in a parallel reality. Maybe what it is is a memory from Atlantis' destruction. I mean these are all guesses based on information I've come across, but one thing is for sure I've definitely brought myself into destructive capacities in this life and I have been doing it almost since I was born. I have a heavy hand in the materialistic, left brained mentality, in fact my body is completely out of whack and distorted and has been for probably my whole life. It seems like I have given myself a body and life that would be stable enough to support my need for destruction and destructive tendencies. Fire is the elemental foundation for life and so is in exact defiance of who I have become a living death. Its like when I had the chance on another planet with all the information, with all the support, and possibility to act in the positive I chose to annihilate my physical form which did matter because whenever things become close to the level I chose to do this at my initial choice kicks in full stream and it becomes almost automatic, I fall into the groove I carved out in that life. I think many people on earth have similar stories and in a very real way we are the dirty corner of the universe where all the broken lives have collected in a living planetary mutation ~
~ Everybody here has the choice to continue into negativity and the endless creation of it or to finally let go of it. In a sense this planet is like a hell planet, where souls who chose utter insanity and self-annihilation came because it was the only appropriate experience for souls who chose what we chose. Life here is literally like a living hell not for the purpose of hell but for the understanding and recognition of what we have not understood. We are the ass end of everything, a self-committed insane asylum. From this perspective there is no need to commit anyone anywhere because your actions and vibration immediately magnetize you to negativity or equilibrate you back into harmony with the universe and everything else everywhere. But as long as you don't you are magnetically locked to people, places, food, clothing, events, timelines that equal your state of being ~
~ There are no heros on the planet because the vibration is too dense and dangerous for higher level souls to participate in with anything but a distant hand in our affairs. Its kind of like school your not ever going to get out of it, because you cannot exist at any other level without it, you just have to surrender and accept it, its the only thing to do. Literally. You can even freak out and scream madness and try to fuck yourself up but you'll just end up here again and again and again and again because its the truth of things. When you die you expand back up into a perspective that can see more then your aware of when your down in this perspective and from that perspective this one rules because it is the choice to function with the guidance of a higher perspective. Without that you on the bottom letting the you on top do its thing you strain ridiculously hard and die in that strain only to rebalance and reorganize and send yourself back down again and again and again until you master that vibration, until you master the nightmare by becoming what you are: A Dream. We send ourselves to hell it is the way of things, it is the way the entire universe functions in every way on every level. So literally no one in creation has the ability to prevent your ascension but you. As you know the devils power is in illusion, deception, tricking you to do the wrong thing and the answer to that problem is simple: tell the truth to everyone, as they say The Truth Shall Set You Free. It was probably a liar who said that just for it to be relevant for them to even say ~
~ So now I think I'm getting it and I think it means that if I'm right then I will accept it and become it and after that being on Earth is a matter of remastering what I had destroyed so long ago. Its true you know you save yourself, because you are the only one who has the ability to either way. Basic principles and fundamentals of the Universe, Metaphysics. ~
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